Medical Resources

Drs Toolbox is a secure online information resource, set up by trainee doctors to help to better orientate themselves with their hospital and department. Including bleep numbers, referral pathways & survival guides.

Why is it useful?

Hospital inductions are limited in time and scope and cannot cover all of the information required by a newly starting doctor. Vast resources are used to train doctors to help them make informed clinical decisions, however there is a lack of training on how to enact such clinical decisions within their hospital. 

For example, a doctor may decide that a certain investigation is required, but not know how to enact that specific request within the local protocols of the hospital. Drs Toolbox provides easily accessible information in the form of an app, at a local level to ensure staff have access to up-to-date hospital pathways and guides.

Having this information at hand ensures that staff can be as efficient and effective as possible in carrying out their role. This in turn has positive impacts on patient safety as well as education and training.

iPhone™ / Android™ apps

The app automatically and securely downloads the website information to the phone in real time. This allows instant access to information both online and offline.

Drs Toolbox

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