Trauma & Orthopaedics Training at DGT
The Trauma & Orthopaedic Programme at Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust allows trainees to develop skills in line with the curricula, which are competency based, whilst being well supported by the multi-professional team.
Learning and service commitment are dependent on the grade of the trainee and during the trainee’s time at Darent Valley support is offered from the Programme Lead, Surgical College Tutor and allocated Educational and Clinical Supervisors, all of whom will give regular feedback about progress.
Foundation Year Two Trainees
F2s are encouraged to work alongside and in a similar fashion to CT colleagues. They are responsible for attendance at the OrthoGeriatrcian’s ward rounds with Dr Colin Weekes. This is an excellent teaching / business ward round providing a wealth of experience and exposure to the specialty.
Core Trainees
F2s are encouraged to work alongside and in a similar fashion to CT colleagues. They are responsible for attendance at the OrthoGeriatrcian’s ward rounds with Dr Colin Weekes. This is an excellent teaching / business ward round providing a wealth of experience and exposure to the specialty.
Core trainees engage in the educational programme alongside trainees on the Core Surgical Training Programme. Whilst in T&O trainees are supported by the Surgical Registrar who provides support and mentorship in collaboration with the Programme Lead.
Further teaching is organised within the Orthopaedic Department for this group.
The Handbook provides up-to-date information on the training available at the Trust as well as useful information on accommodation and the local area.