Study Leave (Non-Medical)

Key People:

  • Head of Clinical Education:

    Denise Aspland

  • Contact:

    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.       
    ext. 8878

Application Process
This process will apply to applications for funding, from the Clinical Education Non-medical budget, for all Continuous Professional Development for all non-medical staff.
  • 1:

    All applications must be made using the Trust external study leave and funding form and accompanied by the event application form. (found on ADAGIO)

    The supporting statement must be mapped against the Health Education England workforce Development Investment plan and the staff member’s personal development plan.

  • 2:
    All applications must be signed by the applicant, line manager and budget holder before submission to the Clinical Education Department (CED)
  • 3:

    All submitted applications will be checked by the Head of Clinical Education to ensure;

    • a. that the application form(s) are fully completed
    • b. the applicant is up-to-date with all their Mandatory Core Skills Training
    • c. the applicant have been appraised in the last 12 months
  • 4:
    All applications requesting funding should be made at least two months in advance of the date the programme is due to commence. In exceptional circumstances, where this is not possible the Director of Nursing and Quality may make an executive decision to approve the request.
  • 5:
    Applications for funding over £500 will be considered by a Training and Education Panel. The panel will comprise of – Director of Nursing and Quality and the Head of Clinical Education.
  • 6:
    A decision on the funding approval will be provided as soon as possible. In some cases the panel may seek additional information before making their final decision. Managers authorising applications may be asked to attend the panel to provide clarity – in these circumstances as much notice as possible will be provided.
  • 7:
    Please note that the HEE Workforce development plan does not cover costs for accommodation or travel and this may need to be sought from individual directorate budgets.
  • 8:
    Any study leave that does not require course funding staff should still submit an external study leave form for audit purposes.
  • 9:
    All other existing policy conditions remain in place.

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