Clinical Observership

Key People:

  • Administrator:

    Caroline Page


Clinical Observerships are primarily designed for international medical graduates, who have been practising abroad and wish to gain experience of clinical practice in the NHS in the UK. 

These placements allow individuals to observe the role of doctors and other professionals within the healthcare system, and to gain confidence using national patient systems and databases.

In addition to international graduates, a doctor who is suspended or has undertakings or conditions on their registration may participate in a Clinical Observership to help maintain their skills and knowledge whilst they are suspended from the register or as part of a return to work plan.

It must be noted that doctors undertaking Clinical Observerships are unpaid and carry no responsibility or authority for making decisions or providing advice in relation to patients’ treatment.

The Clinical Education Department administers the Clinical Observerships process for:

  • medical graduates who have been practicing abroad and who wish to practice in the UK for the first time;
  • doctors who are suspended or who have undertakings or conditions on their GMC registration and wish to maintain their skills and knowledge whilst suspended from the register, or as part of a return to work plan.

This process does not apply to:

  • overseas medical students seeking electives - these should refer to the medical elective process
  • non-clinical observers - these should contact the Human Resources Department.

To arrange a Clinical Observership see below, you can click each button to download:

Clinical Observer

Application form for Clinical Observership Position


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